Video-sound installation entitled Echo Champer (2017)
The artists Cynthia Gerothanasiou, Ioanna Kazaki, Stelios Dexis, Myrto Vounatsou and the guest of the group Panagiotis Triantafyllidis transform a conceptually charged material, the rubble, into a contradictory, ambiguous space between reality and dream, truth, illusion, illusion and deception…
23-26/11/2017 2η ART THESSALONIKI INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR, ΔΕΘ HELEXPO Περίπτερο 38, Ελλάδα. Συμμετοχή με την Ομαδική Video Mapping Projection Installation- με τίτλο Eco Chamber, 2017 στο πλαίσιο του Project VLAVES-Εndangered II
The disintegrated ruins are the building materials of a multi-level sculpture, on which the carefree movement of small sheep is perpetually projected, while at the same time the melody of a child’s lullaby is heard. The artists utilize the combination of the traditional symbolism of the elements of their work with the inherent potential of visual and sonic repetitiveness to “envelop” and “hypnotize” the viewer, in order to comment on the practice of systems of power to put citizens in a “passive” mode, i.e. to avoid any notion of risk. The media term echo chamber refers to the condition where information fabricated and manipulated by power is reproduced, homogenized, accepted without critical filtering and eventually established as correct and universal with the help of the “bombastic” repetition of the mass media. Essentially, the play deals with the contradictory nature of “risk-taking” in its most realistic, contemporary version, in an age when truth and untruth are indiscriminately alternated by power according to its purposes. The seemingly safe or unsafe everyday life is to a huge extent a product of the “editing” and determination of the consciousness of the masses by the systems of power. Consequently, ‘risk’ and ‘non-risk’ are not defined by objective criteria or healthy consciences, but by who, how and why has taken on the role of protector of society at any given time. The idea that ‘the search for truth requires risk’ is not philosophical in nature, but a fundamental principle of the protection of basic
Art historian Vassiliki Vagenou.